OmniSci & a 16" MacBook Pro4.3 Clickhouse on DoubleCloud, s1-c32-m1285.8 BigQuery8.0 Redshift & a 6-node ds2.8xlarge cluster8.0 BrytlytDB 1.0 & a 2-node p2.16xlarge cluster13.4 ClickHouse & an Intel Core i5 4670K22.2 Amazon Athena25.3 ...
Athena 8.1 18.18 n/a n/a Elasticsearch (heavily tuned) 10.19 8.134 19.624 85.942 Spark 2.1 & an 11 x m3.xlarge HDFS cluster 11 10 21 31 Presto & a 10-node n1-standard-4 cluster 11 14 16 22 Presto 0.188 & a single-node i3.8xlarge 14.389 32.148 33.448 67.312 Vertica & an Intel ...
tags:Altar of Zeus,Apocalypse,Asclepion,Asklepius,Athena,Babylon,Babylon in the Church,Balaam,Conquering,Conquerors,Dan,Danites,Dionysus,Dissident,Dragon Force,Faithful Witness,Greece,Imperial Cult,Moses and the Brazen Serpent,Moses and the Bronze Serpent,Nicolaitans,Overcomers,Overcoming,Pergamum,Polycarp...