What brings you to Dr. Hyman today? Get unlimited access to thousands of bite-sized lessons. Longevity Diet & Nutrition Cognitive Health Chronic Condition Gut Health Hormone Health Metabolic Health Podcast Get Started Learn more about Mark
What brings you to Dr. Hyman today? Get unlimited access to thousands of bite-sized lessons. Longevity Diet & Nutrition Cognitive Health Chronic Condition Gut Health Hormone Health Metabolic Health Podcast Get Started Learn more about Mark
Strive for consistency: This is how you truly impact your gut health. Aim to make the gut-friendly foods I’ve talked about here a regular part of your diet rather than occasional additions. Start small (if you need to): Try introducing one new gut-friendly food—whether it has pr...
MarkHyman博⼠谈:功能医学指导下的体重管理---功能医学医⽣专业分享编者按 美国华盛顿州⽴⼤学的学者发布报告称,超重问题已涉及到全世界⼗分之⼀⼈⼝。2015年世界 上有约5%⼉童和12%成年⼈因超重⽽受苦,美国的相关指数分别为17%和38%。2017年初美媒 称,现如今中国肥胖⼈⼝⽐例已超过...
"Food is at the center of our well-being, and how we get our food is directly connected to the health of our planet. But we're drowning in bewildering information and advice about what to eat. In his new book, Food, Mark Hyman, MD, breaks down all the science into practical advice...
Your gut quickly absorbs the fiber-free sugars in the soda. The glucose spikes your blood sugar, starting a domino effect of high insulin and a cascade of hormonal responses that kicks bad biochemistry into gear. The high insulin increases storage of belly fat, increases inflammation, raises ...
“Dr. Hyman, I’ve eliminated toxic foods, I exercise every day, and overall I live a healthy lifestyle, yet I haven’t been able to get anywhere near my goal weight,” writes this week’s house call. “What gives?” “医生,我已经禁食了所有有害的食物,每天锻炼身体,生活方式也很健康...
If you employ these strategies and still struggle with sleeping, please see a Functional Medicine practitioner who can determine whether things like food sensitivities, here. If you suspect deeper issues like sleep apnea, I also recommend The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox written by my friend and colleague...
Quality becomes paramount here. The saturated fat in a fast-food bacon cheeseburger will have an entirely different effect than saturated fat in coconut oil. Let’s use grass-fed beef as an example. Although lower in saturated fat than grain-fed beef, roughly 40 to 50 percent of the fat ...
5. Bile Acid Binding Agents — Drugs like Questran and WellChol bind up bile in the gut and promote the elimination of cholesterol from the body. Bile is comprised of cholesterol among other things, and getting rid of bile helps lower your cholesterol. These are somewhat difficult to take,...