“Dr. Hyman's 10-Day Detox was a fantastic experience.I lost 7 pounds and several inches, which was great, but the real win was my energy levels. I haven’t felt this energized in a long time. I recommend it to anyone who wants to reset their body, mind, and spirit.” ...
So, after a cold plunge, it’s not just the physical refresh—you’re likely to experience a mental "reset" that leaves you feeling more focused and emotionally balanced long after you dry off.The Science of Cold TherapyA key element to cold therapy is stepping out of your comfortable, ...
MarkHyman博⼠谈:功能医学指导下的体重管理---功能医学医⽣专业分享编者按 美国华盛顿州⽴⼤学的学者发布报告称,超重问题已涉及到全世界⼗分之⼀⼈⼝。2015年世界 上有约5%⼉童和12%成年⼈因超重⽽受苦,美国的相关指数分别为17%和38%。2017年初美媒 称,现如今中国肥胖⼈⼝⽐例已超过...
“I read recently that lack of sleep can lead to chronic disease and other problems,” writes this week’s house call. “I have kids, a job with crazy hours and personal stress. I struggle to get a great night’s sleep.” Sadly, your situation has become
He was also featured alongside Tony Robbins, Dr Oz, Dr Mark Hyman and many BIGGER global renown names. READ MORE BOOKS GET IT NOW From Flabby to Fitty in 23 Days ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS FAST, & RESET YOUR HEALTH IN 23 DAYS NATURALLY! Discover the FORMULA to drink Juices without ...
你也许尝试了各种方式,节食、辟谷、运动、药物、埋线、经络调理等,但效果都不太理想,Mark Hyman博士告诉我们也许你只是对自己缺乏一个清晰的认识,采取了错误的方式,不能减重的根本原因或许不是“营养过剩”,而是“营养缺乏”…… “Dr. Hyman, I’ve eliminated toxic foods, I exercise every day, and overall ...