HTML Element for markdown content. Usage: <body> <script src=""></script> <mark-down> ## h2 * test * test2 ```javascript let x = 'asdf' class Text { constructor() { } } ``` </mark-down> </body> ...
markdownToHTML(str, options: TMarkdownItOptions) string Renders input text to html element as a string. example render(str, options: optionsMathpixMarkdown) string Renders input text to HTML element as a string and wraps it in a container. Should be used to render the entire document. exam...
markdownToHTML(str, options: TMarkdownItOptions) string Renders input text to html element as a string. example render(str, options: optionsMathpixMarkdown) string Renders input text to HTML element as a string and wraps it in a container. Should be used to render the entire document. exam...
Angular library that uses marked to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for synthax highlights. Latest version: 19.0.0, last published: 13 days ago. Start using ngx-markdown in your project by running `npm i ngx-markdown`. There are 98 other pr
We support Markdown syntax for links, as well as normal HTML links. Both of these are converted into functioning footnotes in the PDF. Here’s an example of a link toLeanpub. And here’s what it looks like in Markdown (i.e., this is what you type in the text file to get that ...
可填入元素id或元素自身HTMLElement ⚠️:当填入元素自身的HTMLElement时需设置options.cache.id或将options.cache.enable设置为false options options.toolbar 工具栏,可使用 name 进行简写:toolbar: ['emoji', 'br', 'bold', '|', 'line']。默认值参见src/ts/util/Options.ts ...
In wiki pages, you can also create rich content using HTML tags.提示 You can nest Markdown within your HTML, but you must include a blank line between the HTML element and the markdown.HTML 複製 <p> [A Markdown link]( </p> ...
The currently selected line in the editor is indicated in the Markdown preview by a light gray bar in the left margin: Additionally, double clicking an element in the Markdown preview will automatically open the editor for the file and scroll to the line nearest the clicked element. ...
Basically, there is a shortcut for any element you may want to add. This includes simple formatting like what’s shown above, but also supports code blocks, preformatted text, definition lists, image references, and more. In most implementations, there is even support for syntax highlighting bu...
Document with pleasure! Work with Markdown files like you do with other languages in the IDE, by getting full support for: Paste images into documents for fast screen capture links. Drag & Drop files and images for fast link insertion. Formatting to clea