研究兴趣包括:多孔材料, C1化学, 碳捕获和转化,非均相催化,吸附分离,先进光谱,构-效关系。 Mark E. Davis教授是美国科学院、工程院及医学院三院院士。目前发表论文500余篇,申请专利100余项。Google scholar引用次数76000余次,h因子127。课题组...
Profile on Google Scholar ORCID Short Bio: Mark M. Wilde received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. He is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. He is an IEEE Fellow, he i...
Empirically, the literature observes a negative correlation between investment in capital expenditures and financial payouts for the US (L. E. Davis2018; Hecht2014; Orhangazi2008; Van Treeck2008), the UK (Tori and Onaran2018), France (Clévenot et al.2010), and the European Union (Barradas201...
However, there are literally hundreds of paraphilias that are not so well known or researched including sexual arousal from amputees (acrotomophilia), the desire to be an amputee (apotemnophilia), flatulence (eproctophilia), rubbing one’s genitals against another person without their consent (...
Davis AD, Manaqibwala MI, Brown CH, Steiner ME. Height and depth guidelines for anatomic femoral tunnels in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a cadaveric study. Arthrosc J Arthrosc Relat Surg. 2016;32:1098–105. Article Google Scholar Hart A, Han Y, Martineau PA. The apex of the ...
Pekar, V., Gladilin, E., Rohr, K.: An adaptive irregular grid approach for 3-D deformable image registration. Physics in Med. and Biol. 51, 361–377 (2006) Article Google Scholar Kerdok, A., Cotin, S., Ottensmeyer, M., Galea, A., Howe, R., Dawson, S.: Truth cube: Est...
Davis, Mark and Collins, Sam Batting: How to Play, Coach and Win Wisden (Bloomsbury), 2012, pp134, 14.99 [pounds sterling] 978 1 4081 4654 5 Here is a book that is of great potential value for aspiring cricketers of any age and for cricket...
Finally he had a recurring role inAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D.as John Garret. He was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was left for dead, only to survive as he became the first Deathlok. Let’s just say his story becomes even more complicated from there. ...
Kim, K., Chalidabhongse, T.H., Harwood, D., Davis, L.: Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model. Real-time Imag. 11(3), 167–256 (2005) Article Google Scholar Lallier, C., Renaud, E., Robinault, L., Tougne, L. In: Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Ad...
Davis, A. M. & Riley, R. J. Predictive admet studies, the challenges and the opportunities.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology8, 378–386,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2004.06.005(2004). PubMedGoogle Scholar Chen, H., Engkvist, O., Wang, Y., Olivecrona, M. & Blaschke, T. The...