Get Started Hi, I'm Mark Dawson I'm an award-nominated, USA Today bestseller, with more than 20 books published and over 6 million books downloaded in multiple countries and languages. As well as writing, I also teach other authors how to self publish and I speak regularly at writing con...
Join Indie bestseller Mark Dawson and first time author James Blatch as they shine a light on the secrets of self-publishing success. This is the Self-Publishing Show. There's never been a better time to be a writer. James Blatch: Hello and welcome to The Self-Publishing Show with me ...
I’ve gained 22 newsletter subscriptions since these went live, and if Mark Dawson’s adage that each subscriber is worth a fiver us true, then I guess this has worked…? I’ve stopped both ads and amgoing to experiment with a video ad this week. It’s one I’ve used on social me...
(9)STROUT OBIT.Urban fantasy author Anton Strout died suddenly and unexpectedly on December 30. Kij Johnson said on Facebook, “He was one of the most charismatic and funniest people I have ever known, and he will be missed by us all.” There’s atribute ...
one could just hit Play and fast-forward life a little. One of the first Westerners to grasp the import of this new human capacity was the authorWilliam Gibson, a pioneer of the genre of science fiction called cyberpunk, who wrote years later that “the Sony Walkman has done more to ch...
Another sketch from British TV comedy show Les Sez with its star, Les Dawson, and special guest John Cleese… Glenn KesslerofThe Washington Postgoes over what the occupant of the Oval Office has recently said about Ukraine and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He then compares it to the ...
When I was pulling together my ‘Design At Home’ 20th century design auction for Dawson’s Auctioneers earlier this year, a vendor contacted me wishing to sell a group of British postwar furniture owned by his uncle, who had sadly recently died. His uncle had bought all the pieces brand ...
By Mark Dawson NOW IS THE TIME… I’ll probably say it again before I have finished, but I’d argue that this is the best time in the history of the world to be a writer. I know – pretty grandiose. Let me explain. ...
Now we have an interview today with an award-winner, an award-winning author, which is Rachel McLean. This is the Kindle Storyteller Award in the UK which goes on every year. I think there was one in the US as well. Is there not? But I don't think we're- Mark Dawson: No. Jame...