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Pegah Ahangarani, Dariush Arjmand, Ezzatolah Entezami, Reza Kianian, and Bahram Radan in The Maritime Silk Road (2011)
Home 34 of 37 The Maritime Silk Road (2011) Dariush Arjmand, Reza Kianian, and Bahram Radan in The Maritime Silk Road (2011) PeopleDariush Arjmand, Reza Kianian, Bahram Radan TitlesThe Maritime Silk Road LanguagesEnglishBack to top
每日英语:《Maritime Silk Road》 我说:僵尸先生,假设你是做泰国服装生意的商人,你觉得应该怎么打开两国对外贸易公平市场? I said:Mr. Zombie, assuming you are a businessman in Thailand's clothing bu...
【ENG】《新轴线21世纪海上丝绸之路》第一季_Maritime_Silk_Road_Reborn_S1_古代海上丝绸之路的冰山一角__近距离触碰这艘宝藏舰队_是《新轴线21世纪海上丝绸之路》Maritime Silk Road Reborn -展现“海上丝绸之路”建设发展的积极作用的第1集视频,该合集共计3集,视频收藏
Silk Road Maritime:The pulse of the Belt and Road Initiative in Xiamen Port · 2024-10-25 · Source: Web ExclusiveComments to wangruohan@cicgamericas.com China Opinion World Business Lifestyle Video Multimedia China Focus Documents Special Reports About Us Contact Us Advertise with Us Subscribe...
Silk Road n. 丝绸之路(古时中国与中亚细亚间的贸易之路,因以丝绸贸易为主,故名) the silk road n.丝绸之路 the Silk Road 丝绸之路 by road adv.由公路 on the road adv.在旅途中 for the road 为了送行, 祝一路平安 in the road adv.挡路 maritime court 海事法庭 相似...
Maritime Silk Road studies by Chinese scholars 世界遗产英语阅读理解摘要:Zhu Wei世界遗产
The Silk Road on the Sea (Maritime Silk Route)consisted of the East China and South China Sea Routes, both of which contributed greatly to the trade between China and the West for centuries.
Xinhua Silk Road is the Belt and Road (BRI) portal.China's silk road economic belt and 21st century maritime silk road website,Includes BRI investment,BRI trade,BRI projects,policies,Belt and Road weekly,Know Belt and Road,and the integrated information