附件说明:如有附件,在正文下空( )行左空二字编排“附件”二字,后标全角冒号和附件名称。如有多个附件,使用阿拉伯数字标注附件的顺序号(如“附件:1.***”);附件名称顺序号后面用实心全角句点,附件名称后不加标点符号。附件名称较长需回行时,应与上一行附件名称的首字对齐。
Wallace Marital Adjustment Test Cognitive function: assessed using the Digit Span Forward and Backward subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Verbal Meaning Test, Advanced Vocabulary Test, Letter and Pattern Comparison Tests, Primary Mental Abilities Spatial Relations and Letters Series ...
No matter our ethnic make-up, social classification, marital status or religious beliefs, whether you are a parenting mother, bereaved mother, married mother, divorced mother, single mother, step mother, adoptive mother, birth mother, foster mother, o