legal status- astatusdefinedbylaw marriage,matrimony,spousal relationship,wedlock,union-thestateofbeingamarriedcouplevoluntarilyjoinedforlife(oruntildivorce);"alongandhappymarriage";"Godblessthisunion" civil union- avoluntaryunionforlife(oruntildivorce)ofadultpartiesofthesamesex;"partiesto acivilunionhaveallth...
The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health among the Filipina community in Queensland. Women's decisions to migrate and marry Australian men are influenced by their perceptions of relative wealth of their future husband, and their presumed enhanced ability to provide support for Filipino kin...
Introduction. Previous research suggests the presence of a spouse may considerably affect melanoma detection rates through more frequent examinations, better access to healthcare, and improved social support. Yet, the role of marital status on melanoma survival is currently unknown. The aim of this st...
This paper examines the relationship between marital status, as a measure of social support, and psychological distress among three ethnic minorities (Japanese Americans, Filipino Americans, and Native Hawaiians) and Caucasians in Hawai'i. A secondary analysis is conducted on survey data collected from...
This paper examines the relationship between marital status, as a measure of social support, and psychological distress among three ethnic minorities (Japanese Americans, Filipino Americans, and Native Hawaiians) and Caucasians in Hawai'i. A secondary analysis is conducted on survey data collected ...