“There’s not a lot of room for anything else,” she said Wednesday on TODAY. “Overall, I’ve been having a terrific time with both being a mother and with being a CEO.” Mayer was named Yahoo! CEO last July, along with the news that she also was six-months pregnant. She then ...
今天,Marissa Mayer从谷歌离职加入雅虎并担任雅虎的新任CEO,同时进入雅虎董事会。雅虎已经确认了这一消息。37岁的Mayer是谷歌第20名员工。Mayer在谷歌一直负责谷歌搜索、图片搜索、Gmail、Google News等产品的界面外观,在离职前,Mayer负责Google的本地产品和服务。 今天,Marissa Mayer从谷歌离职加入雅虎并 担任雅虎的新任C...
Mayer, who joined Google as its first female engineer and 20th employee overall, will become Yahoo!'s fourth permanent or interim CEO in the past four years. The company fired its most recent chief executive,Scott Thompson, aftera scandal brokein May regarding a falsely claimed computer science...
Find the latest Marissa Mayer news from WIRED. See related science and technology articles, photos, slideshows and videos.
Yahoo Takes Major Search Partner Away From Google Yahoo may have lost its way in search over the years, but it would appear that CEO Marissa Mayer is determined to bring search back to the forefront. Going to head with her former... ...
Regardless of its fumbles, Yahoo is a news and content powerhouse, and that’s what new CEO Marissa Mayer wants to focus on. Recent high-profile acquisitions includingTumblrandSummly, along with ad tech start-ups, have shown Yahoo’s renewed interest in its news and content service, as well...
Yahoo (YHOO) is scheduled to announce its quarterly results today. All eyes, and ears, will be on CEO Marissa Mayer, as shetalks of the company's turnaround, which has actually been in the works for years longer than Mayer's tenure. ...
News & Analysis Power Moves | Zee to Yahoo, Rosen to Levi Strauss, Webb at Banana Republic BoF compiles the most important professional moves of the week. 17 April 2014 Technology Yahoo’s Mayer Building for Growth as Alibaba Help Set to Fade SUNNYVALE , United States — Yahoo! Inc.'s ...
对于这个看似意外的任命,Yahoo董事会给出了几大 理由,包括Mayer的影响力,吸引和培养人才的能力。但我认为其中最重要的还是Mayer在提升用户体验方面的经验。 Marissa Mayer于1999年加盟谷歌,也是谷歌公司的第20位员工,并担任诸多已经获得业界认可的产品的负责人,包括研发了谷歌旗舰式搜索产品和标志性的主页功能等,同时还...
现年40岁的玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)曾是谷歌(Google)最有权势的女人,之所以被称为铁娘子,是因为她的头脑比男人更为冷静,其行事也比男人更加硬朗,甚至冷酷。如今,她是雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行员,也是科技产业最受瞩目的女性公众人物之一。现在就随《大橙报》来了解她的成长故事。