❖https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQnnmhmnAahuJU37ckfrc35WBcYv2Gm_S Bootlegs Games #romhack #supermarioworld #snes 如果对我转载的东西感兴趣,可以加入我的q群,426460799 http://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr?_wv=1027&k=L39oz3IaBBTNI0BVqzd4xWNlED4kXLoy&authKey=CsNI80UkLXy935XX1vqDHw...
The bronze SMW Hack medal goes to Super Mario World: The Secret Of The 7 Golden Statues. Listen, if you put this and the original SMW game side by side, you still wouldn’t be able to tell that one was a ROM hack. The original probably looks like a hack of the hack… which is ...
MARIO 是 SMW Central 用户 Adam 制作的超级马里奥世界 ROM 黑客Pasta。 黑客补丁可以在这里下载。 补丁本身是由 SMW Central 用户 M A R I O 制作的,他的头像是没有脸的 SMW 马里奥。 他(她?)过去常常不被视为不活跃(一个月不活跃会让你在 SMW Central 上不活跃),因为他(她?)时不时地发布神秘和怪诞的...
Mario (SMW Genesis Bootleg, SMAS-Style) Mario (SMW SMM2, SMB1 NES-Style) Mario (SMW-Style, Enhanced) Mario (Sonic 1 Game Gear-Style) Mario (Sonic 1 Master System-Style) Mario (Sonic 1-Style) Mario (Sonic 1-Style) Mario (Sonic 1-Style) Mario (Sonic 1/CD-Style) Mari...
SMW Super Mario World rom hack I Hate you.exe I Hate you.sfc I Hate you.smc Why won't you diePlatforms: Online, SNES, Windows Year: 2016 Developed by: Ersanio, Slimebeast Published by: Slimebeast Number of Files: 2 Total Filesize: 1 MB Date Added: Feb 28th...
Post navigation Previous Previous post: SMW2+2 (Hack) SNES ROM Next Next post: Classic Mario World 2: The Great Alliance Definitive Version (Hack) SNES ROMRelated Games: Aeron's Golden Cookie Quest A Plumber For All Seasons Super Mario World: Widescreen + Extrawide (Hack) Yoshi's ...
New Super Mario World 2: Around the World: Dirigido por Rilla Roo. NSMW2: ATW is a rom hack created by Rilla Roo and it is a sequel to NSMW1: The 12 Magic Orbs, this rom hack features 16 different worlds and 90+ unique levels filled with challenge and se
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 Garfreld 吧主管理权限的说明 2-【qq群】贴吧已死系列请加群 3-关于SMW Hack的来源 4-recover lunar magic rom有解锁教程视频吗 5-一图流 6-【国庆特辑】mario in the forest 0.3.3隐藏全发现 7-【国庆特辑】Mario In The Forest 0.3.3by 116843
One of the most mysterious rom hacks of SMW Central, The’ (or better known as The Coronation Day) warps the characters and world of super mario world to tell an intriguing and creepy story. Peach being a character deformed to such an extent that her mere presence in the hack rom is to...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 Garfreld 吧主管理权限的说明 2-【qq群】贴吧已死系列请加群 3-关于SMW Hack的来源 4-recover lunar magic rom有解锁教程视频吗 5-一图流 6-【国庆特辑】mario in the forest 0.3.3隐藏全发现 7-【国庆特辑】Mario In The Forest 0.3.3by 116843