RVL-SSQE-USA RVL-SSQP-EUR Mario Party 9 is the ninth home console installment of the Mario Party series and the second and final installment for the Wii. The game was the first in the series to be developed by NDcube instead of Hudson Soft, as a result of the latter's acquisition by...
Mario Party 9 (Wii Game) first released 2nd Mar 2012, developed by Nd Cube and published by Nintendo.
《马力欧派对9》(日语:マリオパーティ9,英语:Mario Party 9,香港和台湾译作“玛利欧派对9”)是一款由Nd Cube公司制作、任天堂发行的聚会类电子游戏。本游戏最初于2012年3月2日在欧洲地区Wii发行,随后在全球陆续发售。本作是系列首次中文化,在香港和台湾发售了官方繁体中文版本的游戏,也是Wii平台上最后一款马力...
SSQP01 = Mario Party 9 SSQW01 = 玛利欧派对9 繁体中文版 另外附件是所有游戏的文件代码名称
【转自91wii】M..[游戏名称:马里奥派对9英文名称:Mario Party 9游戏类型:益智类游戏制作:Nintendo游戏发行:Nintendo游戏平台:Wii语言版本:中文发售时间:2012年06月30日官方网站:
„Mario Party 9“ wird mit der Wii-Fernbedienung gespielt. Bei zwei bis vier Spielern wird eine entsprechende Anzahl an Wii-Fernbedienungen benötigt. Beim Spielen von „Mario Party 9“ hält man die Wii-Fernbedienung die meiste Zeit senkrecht, in manchen Minispielen muss man sie alle...
Where does Jamboree rank? - Updated with Super Mario Party Jamboree and rejigged to our new list format. Enjoy! What's the best Mario Party game? Mario is ...
Enjoy hours of gameplay fun with Mario Party 9, Wii. Players can vie to become the Superstar as they make their way through adventurous new stages, overcoming obstacles and collecting Mini Stars. For the first time in the Mario Party 9 game, players can also travel across each stage together...
Video Game Mario Party 9 Name Mario Party 9 Nickname English/European Wii edition Alternate Nickname Release Date 2012-03-02 Release Publisher Nintendo Co., Ltd. Platform Wii Release Developer Nd Cube Co., Ltd. Media Nintendo Optical Media ...
Why does this Mario Party exist? Also, the minigame music is ripped of from Mario Parties 3 and 4 not original songs. Also, game and music 1 out of 10. Supermarioparty Registered Jul 16, 2023 #6 Madison25 said: Why does this Mario Party exist? Also, the minigame music is rippe...