Amazing progress has been made here in just a few months. It's now on par or ahead of the Xenia and RPCS3 emulators. I wonder where it'll be given another six months or a year. Barkley Currently Offline 38,147 9355 posts since 01/11/14 ...
Yuzu Emula..马里奥的mod使用和游玩视频So who is ready for another Giant Yuzu Compatibility update? 那么, 谁已经准备好再进行一次巨型玉祖兼容性更新了呢?
YouTuber BSoD Gaming, who's very much focused on games emulation, was the first to test this new feature thanks to his partnership with the developers of Yuzu. Below you can watch his attempts at running Super Mario Odyssey and other games at 8K resolution with his PC rig (i7 8700k @4....
在之前版本中,Yuzu想达到50-60fps并保持住已经很困难了,但在最新版中《超级马里奥:奥德赛》的部分区域下能达到100fps,这对一款新主机模拟器来说是个巨大突破。 不过如果你觉得有模拟器就不用买Switch那就错了,因为这款模拟器测试用的电脑配置很高。得益于新技术的使用,《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》、《精灵宝可梦Go》...