Mario Kart Wii is a multiplayer-oriented racing game from the Mario Kart series for the Wii, developed by Nintendo EAD. Mario Kart Wii retains the traditional premise of the franchise, with players selecting Super Mario-franchise characters to use...
All cups on 150cc Mirror: All karts for each playable character Mario Kart Wii[edit] Mushroom and Flower Cups:Star Cup 1 star rank or higher on all nitro cups (includes Mushroom Cup) on 50cc:Baby Daisy 1 star rank or higher on all nitro cups (includes Mushroom Cup) on 100cc:Sneakster...
First appearance Super Mario Kart (1992) Appearance(s) Super Mario Kart (1992) Mario Kart 64 (1996) Mario Kart: Super Circuit (2001) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003) Mario Kart Arcade GP (2005) Mario Kart DS (2005) Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 (2007) Mario Kart Wii (2008) Mario Kart...
Wii :WII 人物 的声音 30621499 杂项 30621500 声音 30621501 确定取消 声音(Sounds)收藏包含分类:5资源总数:0首 香蕉杯 30621534 战斗时的音乐 30621535 叶杯 30621536 闪电杯 30621537 壳杯 30621538 确定取消 闪电杯(Lightning Cup)收藏包含分类:1资源总数:0首 ...
Dragonetti (large kart) - Win 150cc Lightning Cup. Piranha Prowler (large kart) - Win 50cc Special Cup. Rally Romper (small kart) - Unlock 1 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials. Royal Racer (medium kart) - Win 150cc Leaf Cup. Turbo Blooper (medium kart) - Win 50cc Leaf Cup. Mi...
in Mario Kart Wii. In the Super Smash Bros. series, the inverse occurs: Wario's speech in these games primarily consists of grunts and yells, with only one meaningful word ("Yes!"). In the WarioWare series, Wario often speaks in full sentences that are conveyed by subtitles; WarioWare ...
Lightning Cup: Successfully complete the Leaf Cup. Bonus parts Collect the indicated number of coins to unlock body, glider, and wheel parts to customize your vehicles. You will unlock a new part for every 50 coins earned; after earning 1,000 coins, the intervals increase to 100 coins for ...
With a GP structure of twenty tracks, spread over four cups, the initial standout to a modern Mario Kart player first experiencing the original on Wii U is not only that Super Mario Kart has shorter courses with five laps each, but that you must also master five tracks per cup. Every ...
Want to know how to unlock everything in Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)? We’ve got the answers! And if you don’t find what you are looking for, check back often, because we will keep this updated as often as we can with new information. ...
Lightning Cup: Cloudtop Cruise [Wii U/Switch] Rosalina's Ice World [3DS] Moonview Highway [Wii] Rainbow Road [GBA] I have already made one of these but this is an improvement after some very helpful feedback. If u guys have any suggestions or feedback please comment down below :) ...