The mario kart include new racing circuit designs and anti-gravity karts that will have players driving upside down. The return of 12-player online co-op play, hang-gliders, underwater racing and motorbikes. Screenshots: WII U (Loadiine) Games also Playable on PC withCEMU WII U Emulator Ma...
这是在电子游戏机上推出的第7款 分享3赞 cemu吧 酷斗西记_ 终于成功装上《马里奥赛车8》DLC了,谢谢各位吧友! 原来,这个才是真正的DLC文件!以前下载的DLC文件是错误的。 DLC文件的正确位置 可以使用DLC人物了 三辆奔驰 DLC关卡,第二个摩托车关卡莫非是FC上的摩托车??? +2 分享729 ns吧 失控__Tende 请问...
While Wii U games look plenty pretty, there could always be room for improvement. With 4K televisions growing in popularity, being able to playMario Kart 8orBayonetta 2at such a high resolution would be a treat. Currently, Cemu plays nice with most computers. All it takes is a decently po...