"Yeah, boys!! Open fire!" "Oh, for the love of... What are you DOING, Yellow? That does NOT look cool at all!" "Remember to look cool, guys!" "Hi-yaaaaaa!" "OK, Mario! Have a taste of this!" "The Koopa Bros. special: super spinning attack!" "Ouch!" "Hey! Helloooooo?
Clothing Rollback in Boys' T-shirts Rollback in Boys' Tops & T-shirts Shirts XL Boys Boys Graphic Tees Mash Boys' T-shirts Sonic Youth Shirt Mario T-shirts Big Boys Character Clothing Roblox Kids Clothes Sonic Kids Clothing Clothing/ Kids Clothing/ Boys Clothing/ Boys Shirts/ Boys Tshirts...
This item is also used as tee markers in the Mario's Star course. A clothing set, golf ball, and set of golf clubs are designed based on the item, and are available for Miis to use. In Mario Golf: Super Rush, Mario uses the Super Star to transform into Rainbow Mario during his ...
the reference used for the Nintendo Adventure Books series, since in Leaping Lizards Morton exclaims, "Little brothers are so cowardly!" in regards Iggy, although this may have been a quip at Luigi's expense (who expressed particular resentment at that remark). Leadership...
To Luigi: "Getting serious, are we, Luigi? Well, I guess it's time for me to start playing rough! Tee hee!" To Angelo: "Oh, Angelo! All this animosity can only mean one thing - you must be in love with me!" Landing on an expensive shop[edit] To Mario: "Ouch! Is this any...