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MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. Discover information and vessel positions for vessels around the world. Search the MarineTraffic ships database of more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels. Search for popular ships globally. Find locations of port
Sea Airports Maps - Arrivals and Departures⟩ Shipping Containers and ParcelTracking by Number⟩ Top 100 SuperyachtsLive Map⟩ Ship Suppliers World Register⟩ Maritime WeatherForecast Map⟩ ➭ Tracking&Live AIS Maps Our live maps and databases offer tracking of: ...
MarineTraffic是一款可以在全球范围内,实时追踪船舶和游艇的位置的应用,基于 AIS(自动识别系统)网络,覆盖了大多数主要港口和运输线路。@Appinn 感谢@jkgtw的推荐。 这个,青小蛙觉得就看个热闹吧,专业人士有专业工具,而普通用户,可以趁MarineTraffic限免入一个看看繁忙的海路。
Access MarineTraffic AIS network: Spanning coastlines, oceans, space An impressive 6,600 AIS receivers Fleet management Access up to 5 years of historical positional data. Analyse traffic patterns, incidents, and receive evidence through replays. ...
自2007年成立以来,总部位于雅典的MarineTraffic通过引领创新,使船舶跟踪情报和分析广泛普及,已成为海事行业不可或缺的一部分。总部位于罗斯托克的FleetMon公司同样成立于2007年,为包括供应链末端的工业企业在内的市场领先企业提供AIS数据。 目前,人们对新型数字工具的需求不断增加,海上供应链面临的全球挑战也在加剧。而结合...
MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide. Using the largest network of land-based AIS receivers, the app covers most major ports and shipping routes. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you!
Using the largest network of land-based AIS receivers, the app covers most major ports and shipping routes. • View VESSELS ON THE LIVE MAP, search for ships, boats and seaports and see what's near you! • More than 300,000 VESSELS PER DAY report their positions via MarineTraffic AIS...