International Journal of Science EducationJulie Lambert.High School Marine Science and Scientific Literacy: The promise of an integrated science course. International Journal of Science Education . 2006Lambert, J. (2006). High school marine science and scientific literacy: The promise of an integrated ...
Designed for junior high school students, this curriculum on marine science careers contains instructional materials on oceanography and related careers suitable for individualized study. The curriculum is organized into a study-direction book (see CE 020 395) and a separate answer-response book (includ...
000 people and government contractors, the agency's mission is to study the unknown in air and space. NASA leads in varioustypes of Earth scienceexploration — but alsothe Sun and planetsas well as the larger universe,making discoveries
Science teacher David Makepeace's marine science program at Coral Shores High School in Tavernier in the Keys has drawn national attention for its students' work on restoring coral reefs, but students also have worked on seagrass restoration, water quality testing, fish counts and other ...
School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK John E. A. Marshall & Jessica H. Whiteside Contributions M.S.S., G.F. and W.P.G. designed the study. C.T.R. and K.O. designed the mathematical model and K.O. ran the model...
Home Marine Life Science & Technology Article A unique subseafloor microbiosphere in the Mariana Trench driven by episodic sedimentationResearch PaperOpen access Published: 23 January 2024 Volume 6, pages 168–181, (2024) Cite this article
Bill Doe, Circulation Manager The EMP Library serves the Department of Computer Science, the School of Engineering, the Departments of Mathematics and Physics, and the Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences. The collections cover computer science, biomedical, civil, electrical, and mechanical eng...
来源会议 The 4th International Conference on Science Education and Teacher Professional Development 9-12 September 2013 Jakarta, Indonesia 2013/09/09 研究点推荐 Innovative Learning High School Students Marine Fish 站内活动 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,...
marine science and engineering, as well as aquaculture engineering are invited in the Shanghai Summer School 2024, with a focus on resource exploration, utilization of biological resources in the deep sea, distant sea, and polar ...
The continental shelf and bathyal (abyssal) habitats were rarely investigated in the past and are relatively poorly known in comparison to other habitats. Between 2016 and 2021, the French Museum of Natural History, Ifremer (National Institute for Ocean Science) and IRD (French Institute of Researc...