Protection-wise, the prestige marine helmet is exactly as defensive as the regular marine helmet. Marine helmets are the middle tier of the three power armored helmets, the other two being therecon helmetand thecataphract helmet. As expected, they're also the middle tier in expense and protecti...
Marine helmets are in the middle of the 3 power armors, stronger than the recon helmet, and weaker than the cataphract helmet. Unlike the simple helmet and flak helmet, all 3 power armors cover the full head. The marine helmet is roughly equivalent to a Recon Helmet of one quality level ...
recruits wearing skivvies skivvies— underwear: skivvie shirt (T-shirt) and skivvie drawers (underwear).skylark— to casually frolic or take excess time to complete a task, from the old naval term to run up and down the rigging of a ship in sport....
Marine armor is the middle tier of the three types of power armor, the other two being the inferior recon armor and the superior cataphract armor. As expected, it is also the middle tier in expense and protection as well. While it provides the same coverage, Marine armor is roughly ...