U.S. MARINE CORPS PHOTO BY EMMANUEL RAMOSJapan Ground Self-Defense Force soldiers practice...Cole, William
By February of 1945, the United States Marine Corps had been fighting Imperial Japanese forces across the Pacific for three years. As the Marines slowly but surely worked their way across the Pacific in their island-hopping campaign and closed in on the Japanese homeland, the already fanatical ...
During their tenure here, the 2-136, also known as the “Bearcats,” rescued four local nationals from torture houses in Fallujah and Abu Ghraib, detained more than 300 anti-Iraqi forces, conducted five cooperative medical engagements in which they helped treat more than 2,000 local nationals ...
In August 2022, Leisure, and Volvo Penta joined forces to develop near-silent, eco-friendly boats. Leiser's sleek designs paired with Volvo's hybrid electric technology aim to reduce emission. This collaboration pushes boundaries in sustainable boating, offering a glimpse into the future of the ...
military and naval forces of the United States needed to attack Pacific islands held by Japanese forces and conduct forced entry on the European continent against beaches defended by the German army. Weapons such as attack aircraft and precision naval gunfire coupled with newly designed am...
164. “The Marine Corps has been, and will continue to be, America’s Expeditionary Force in Readiness – ready to respond to today’s crisis, with today’s Marine forces, today.”― James F. Amos 165. “What is the difference between the Marine Corps and the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scou...
Seavolt and RAD Propulsion join forces Seavolt and RAD Propulsion have announced an exciting new partnership to deliver complete electric propulsion solutions to boat manufacturers, marinas, ports, sporting organisations, and governments across Australia and the Pacific region. by RAD Propulsion Posted 18...
First off Congrats on the promotion to a very distinguished rank, part of the elite officers of the Armed Forces. I know it is well deserved. I appreciate the opportunity I was bestowed to meet you and also having my spouse be a part of your leadership team. I wish the best for you...
Names are assigned to storms in alphabetical order, so expect to see Alvin and Andrea in the in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, respectively The Eastern Pacific hurricane season starts on May 15 while the Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1, with both lasting until November 30. For ...
U.S. forces have been deployed in a Philippine military camp in the country's south for decades to help provide training and advice to Filipino forces battling Muslim militants. The region is home to minority Muslims in the largely Roman Catholic nation. ...