BECOME A MARINE FIND YOUR PLACE IN OUR FIGHT Connect with a local Marine Corps Recruiter or Officer Selection Officer to learn more about our cause. Learn More MARINE CORPS VALUES See how our core values of honor, courage, and commitment fuel our fight and drive our will to win. ...
BECOME A MARINE FIND YOUR PLACE IN OUR FIGHT Connect with a local Marine Corps Recruiter or Officer Selection Officer to learn more about our cause. Learn More MARINE CORPS VALUES See how our core values of honor, courage, and commitment fuel our fight and drive our will to win. ...
Founded in 1775, the Marines are an elite fighting force with the courage to engage in every battle—and the will to win. Learn more about how to join the Marine Corps.
Founded in 1775, the Marines are an elite fighting force with the courage to engage in every battle—and the will to win. Learn more about how to join the Marine Corps.
By PHIL RUDNICK With Christmas just 15 days away, platoon 198 of the United States Marine Corps was deployed to some foreign shore on Dec. 10, 1946. Their plane crashed and 36 members of this "Band of Brothers" perished on the top of Mount Rainier in the state of Washington. My brother...
美国海军陆战队-UnitedStatesMarineCorps 美国海军陆战队(英语:United States Marine Corps,缩写为 USMC),又称美国陆战队,是美国军队中的海军陆战队及两栖作战部队,其主要职责是运用美国海军的舰队(含航空兵),快速抵达全球各危机发生地执行战斗任务。美国海军陆战队属于美国军队中的一个独立军种,与美国海军地位平行,同属...
美国海军陆战队(英语:United States Marine Corps,缩写为 USMC),又称美国陆战队,是美国军队中的海军陆战队及两栖作战部队,其主要职责是运用美国海军的舰队(含航空兵),快速抵达全球各危机发生地执行战斗任务。美国海军陆战队属于美国军队中的一个独立军种,与美国海军地位平行,同属美国国防部下属的美国海军部,其英语军衔...
United States Marine Corps 英 [juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts məˈriːn kɔː(r)] 美 [juˈnaɪtɪd steɪts məˈriːn kɔːr]n. 美国海军陆战队 ...
由于圣地亚哥海军陆战队新兵招募站(MARINE CORPS RECRUIT DEPOT, SAN DIEGO)位于人口稠密的市中心,并且毗邻圣地亚哥国际机场,因此在那里进行步枪资格认证和野外训练是不切实际的。 相反,新兵被送往海军陆战队彭德尔顿基地的埃德森靶场。 本周的部分时间是在课堂上学习 M16 步枪的射击原理以及如何高效射击。 不在课堂上的...
This is not the most popular of the traditional basin or bucket, but the modern use of the United States Marine Corps new submachinegun. 今年最流行的不是那传统的盆或桶,而是现代美国陆战队员使用的新式冲锋枪。 6. The HART system is being considered by United States Marine...