There are field, dress and service uniforms. Each has it's own occasion and guidelines for wear (see link above for official regulations
SAN DIEGO, July 6, 2007 – In a tribute to the military and Independence Day, Major League Baseball’s San Diego Padres donned “military uniforms” and featured members of the armed services during their game at Petco Park here, July 4, 2007.
He stood before pews of Marines in camouflage uniforms and told them that standing at his son's bedside in the hospital and watching him die "is the most miserable feeling you can have. Don't let what I feel now happen to your parents." It was just five days earlier, on March 28, ...
Specialty uniforms are not issued by MCMWTC and will not be discussed any further. b. ECWCS CLOTHING ITEMS. (1) General. The Marine Corps has recently completed a research and development project, which resulted in the adoption of a new, cold weather, state of the art clothing system. ...