Military trainingMilitary officersMarine Corps Officer Candidate School at Maritime Corps Base Quantico VA is featured.Among other things,the school's mission is to train,evaluate,and screen officer candidates for commission as company-gr...
• Ductus Exemplo: A Latin term that means “lead by example,” Ductus Exemplo is the official motto of Officer Candidates School (OCS). It means that being a Marine isn’t about giving or receiving orders; it’s about behaving in a manner that inspires others. VALUES DEFINED BY THE...
• Ductus Exemplo: A Latin term that means “lead by example,” Ductus Exemplo is the official motto of Officer Candidates School (OCS). It means that being a Marine isn’t about giving or receiving orders; it’s about behaving in a manner that inspires others. ...
Specialty School Location FB Page FB Page2 0302 Infantry Officer Infantry Officers are central to the role of the Marine Corps as an expeditionary force. They are responsible for training their Marines for every variety of ground combat missions in any environment. They gather and evaluate intellige...
College students wishing to train for Marine Corps officer positions may enroll in their school's Navy ROTC program as a Marine-option midshipman or should visit their local Officer Selection Officer (OSO) for information. All Marine Corps recruits undergo 13 weeks of Recruit Training at Parris ...
Becoming a Marines Corps Officer is about proving your footsteps are worth following. Learn about eligibility requirements & the path to become a USMC Officer.
Rise to the Challenge and #RunWithTheMarines through the grounds of the Officer Candidates School (OCS). The 7.46 mile course offers unique access to the training area for future Marine leaders. Register for 2025!This link will open in a new tab ...
Rise to the Challenge and #RunWithTheMarines through the grounds of the Officer Candidates School (OCS). The 7.46 mile course offers unique access to the training area for future Marine leaders. Register for 2025!This link will open in a new tab ...
How to Become a Marine Corps Officer Marine Corps Weight Limits At a Glance Marine Corps Boot Camp Timeline at a Glance Marine Corps Special Pay Learn about Marine Corps Special Pay. In addition to a Marine's basic pay they may receive special pay and incentives pay. Marine Corps Specia...
The female officer, whose name is not revealed, is expected to break the major gender barrier and graduate along with her male counterparts on Monday after completing a 13-week training program called the Infantry Officer Course, widely seen as one of the toughest trainings in the U.S. milita...