ManpowerMarine CorpsMilitary forces(United States)BarracksBilletsEquationsMathematical modelsMicrocomputersModelsOptimizationThe purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model for forecasting the specific billets which should be reduced in a Marine Corps Security Force Organization once a quota is ...
Marine Corps Manpower System A number of different methodologies have been applied to the study of manpower planning systems. This paper presents and develops a computer simulation approach through the use of System Dynamics in study of the manpower requirements of ... DA Lopez,GW Watson 被引...
aProviding a capability for analyzing existing and proposed Marine Corps policies and programs to identify potential effects on fiscal, manpower, and materiel resources. 提供能力为分析既有与提议的海军陆战队政策和节目辨认潜在的作用对财政,人力和装备资源。[translate]...
Sharing fully in the Total Force concept, the Marine Corps Reserve provides one-third of the manpower and one-fourth of the structure available for mobilization. Our Ready Reserve consisting of the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR), and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), is the primary source ...
Marine corps planningPersonnel retentionMarine corps trainingThis information memorandum is an annotated bibliography of CNA manpower work that focuses on the Marine Corps. The documents included are from the 1980s through 2001.Parker, L. J.
展开 关键词: Marine corps Decision making Army Military downsizing Military reserves Combat effectiveness Military requirements Military strategy Policies Management planning and control Combat readiness Manpower utilization Military capabilities Military 年份: 1997 收藏...
Marine corps. A number of different recruitment policies were studied to observe their impact on the total manpower system. In addition, the ramifications of the economy, the unemployment rate, the socio-biological trend of a reducing population segment of recruitable age, and the increasing ...
This will strengthen the overall Total Force concept and maintain a higher level of manpower availability for a longer period of time. 展开 关键词: Military reserves Mobilization Marine corps personnel Active duty Qualifications Manpower Availability Reenlistment Timeliness Theses Operational readiness ...
MILITARY RESERVESMILITARY STRATEGYNAVAL AVIATIONCOMBAT READINESSOPERATIONAL READINESSMANPOWER UTILIZATIONRECRUITINGThis document contains the Naval/Marine Corps team 1997 posture statement. Specific topics covered include: (1) naval expeditionary forces, (2) operational primacy, (3) people, (4) readiness, (...
models in manpower planning is well established in the literature in general [4-9] as well as in the military [10-16]. Published models are available for the Marine Corps enlisted and officer forces =-=[17,18]-=- as well as for the US Army Reserves [19]. Recently a prototype model...