Mission Statement The mission of the Marine Corps League is to promote the interest and to preserve traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of Marines and their families; serve Marines & FMF Navy personnel who wear or have worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor; and...
JOIN THE MARINE CORPS LEAGUE The Corporal Philip A. Reynolds Detachment of the Marine Corps League serves Active Duty, Reserve, and Veterans of the Marine Corps and FMF Navy. We pride ourselves in coming together to unite in service for our local service members and veterans, and carrying on...
During November and December we will be working with the Marine Corps staff and Reserve Unit in collecting toys and donations for Toys for Tots. We’re also trying to connect with Marines in the area who may not want to join the league, but would like to know of Marine events in Yellows...
The Marine Corps League is proud to support our Marines in many areas. We have 10 Divisions covering 47 Departments, and over 1,140 Detachments in communities a…
Marine Corps League Headquarters Pennsylvania Marine Corps League Operation Troop Appreciation Request Your DD214 and Other Records Disclaimer: “The Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem and the name Marine Corps® are registered trademarks of the USMC. The Marine Corps League and its subordinate organizatio...
Marine Corps League Library Convention Information Spring 2024 Convention Completed! Date: 17-18 May 2024 Hosted by the Loudoun Detachment #1205 HUGE THANK YOU to Loudoun Detachment # 1205 for being such GREAT hosts. We had10 of our 16 Detachments presentfor the Convention, so thank you to al...
Contact marine corps league calumet Det. 6880 Hendricks Merrillville, IN 46410 MCLCalumet92@outlook.com 708-277-4023 Name Email Phone Address Subject Message SubmitOur Mission To promote the interest and preserve the traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of ...
Click here to access it. The Gator Detachment is made up primarily of Marine veterans and friends. We formed in Alachua County in 1998. Our members are from Gainesville, Alachua, Archer, High Springs, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne and other surrounding towns. Our members were Marines and Corpsmen...
Click here to access it. The Gator Detachment is made up primarily of Marine veterans and friends. We formed in Alachua County in 1998. Our members are from Gainesville, Alachua, Archer, High Springs, Keystone Heights, Hawthorne and other surrounding towns. Our members were Marines and Corpsmen...
I hereby certify that I am currently serving or have served honorably in the United States Marine Corps,“ON ACTIVE DUTY,”… Continue Reading → Gregory Irwin, Leland Crawford Detachment 956, Department of West Virginia is the 2024 Marine Corps League Marine of the Year Marine July 2, 2024...