“The Marine Corps has come a long way (in Iraq). The people of Iraq have grown to appreciate us rather than being afraid and angry with us,” said Monz, a Cincinnati, Ohio native. “I remember doing convoys in OIF II and getting rocks and all sorts of things thrown at us. Now we...
US Military Bases are located in over 135 countries. Find the most comprehensive listing of US Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard and Joint Operation Military Bases with detailed descriptions of all US Military Bases worldwide including Commissar
t receive jobs through the reconstruction contracts may turn to the insurgency to find income, and he also worries that the people will expect their government to continue to provide as much for them, though there are limited funds. ?There are not a lot of jobs, and sometimes people go d...
Columns/Blogs LAKES Act Finally Introduced in Congress The Lake Access Keeping Economies Strong Act would allow the Army Corps of Engineers to retain 80% of fees collected at its recreation sites to improve access and infrastructure. Also, some major shows run this week in Miami and New Jersey...
The listing option was shelved because of sluggish investor appetite in the drilling sector, which plagued by an oversupply of rigs and has not yet recovered from a downturn in oil prices. More broadly, investors and bankers have cautioned initial public offerings will become tougher in Europe as...