Maneuvering for Change: The US Marine Corps and the adoption of Marine Corps Doctrine Publication 1, WarfightingTerriff, Terry
Nov. 10, 1775. It is a combined-arms task force known for its focus on aggressiveness and the offensive. The Marines have been central in developing groundbreaking tactics for maneuver warfare; they can be credited with the development of helicopter insertion doctrine and modern amphibious assault...
aMarine Corps doctrine portrayed in the 4 series of our doctrinal hierarchy includes doctrinal publications (MCDP 4, Logistics) future warfighting publications (MCWP 4-1, Logistics Operations [under development]), and reference publications (FMFRP 4-34, Recovery and Battlefield Damage Assessment and ...
求翻译:Marine Corps doctrine portrayed in the 4 series of our doctrinal hierarchy includes doctrinal publications (MCDP 4, Logistics) future warfighting publications (MCWP 4-1, Logistics Operations [under development]), and reference publications (FMFRP 4-34, Recovery and Battlefield Damage Assessment...
aOn the basis of United States Code, Title 10, and joint doctrine, the Marine Corps, in coordination and cooperation with the Navy, has made logistical self-sufficiency an essential element of Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) expeditionary warfighting capabilities. 根据美国代码,标题10和联合...
In light of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has become clear that the Marine Corps has capability gaps in countering irregular threats. One such capability gap is CMO. In order to meet future irregular challenges, the Marine Corps must enhance its CMO capabilities across doctrine, ...
DoctrineDivision(C42),3300RussellRoad,Suite 318A,Quantico,VA22134-5021orbyfaxto703-784-2917(DSN278-2917)orbyE-mailto ●Locationofchange Publicationnumberandtitle Currentpagenumber Paragraphnumber(ifapplicable) Linenumber Figureortable...
Army Training and Doctrine Command Fort Monroe, Virginia MCRP 3-02H Marine Corps Combat Development Command Quantico, Virginia NWP 3-50.3 Navy Warfare Development Command Newport, Rhode Island AFTTP(I) 3-2.26 Headquarters Air Force Doctrine Center...
Thesis Title: The Small War Manual and Marine Corps Military Operations Other Than War Doctrine Approved by: After a brief introduction to the basic technique characteristic of marine gravity and geomagnetic field,this paper gives an outline of recent progress in ... ASF Major,BW Menning,D Ph....
Abstract: This publication is a reprint with slight revisions of a field publication, Japanese Explosive Ordnance, originally published in the Southwest Pacific Area by Mobile Explosives Investigation Unit No. 1 under the auspices of the Commander, Seventh Fleet. Revisions have been ...