I enlisted into the Marine Corps Reserve in 1984, and a reservist, I served in Battery P, 5thBattalion, 14thMarines. I reported in to the unit as a newly minted PFC, and the first person I met was an active duty female sergeant who was serving as the I&I admin chief. Being young ...
16.07.1945 - 10.09.1945 Chatham Divsion RM (in continuation; for release under Class A)Aykroyd, Charles Arthur Son (with two brothers and one sister) of Arthur Edward Aykroyd (1887-1958), and Ethel Goodall (1885-1960). Married ((06?).1944, Braintree district, Essex) Lilian Marjorie Joan...
Mother Nature is always a factor that must be considered and high water remains a challenge on the inland waterways system, but the Corps of Engineers is doing a masterful job of deploying dredges to hot spots to ensure channels remain open and navigable. Ahead this year, the inland waterways...