The BALANCE project recognized that no marine zoning or spatial planning should be done on a ‘blue background’ or with a simple navigational chart for guidance. Instead, bathymetry and biotope maps should be considered as the ‘aerial photographs of the sea’. The area is important for ...
In addition to marine lysogens, we further exploited the genomic differentiation of marine temperate viruses (Supplementary Data12). The water depth-dependent evolution and differentiation of viral populations has previously been observed in the Mediterranean Sea, North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and hadal ...
1E). In-depth analysis revealed that the phenomenon was mainly due to the large number of terpene BGCs in phylum Thermoplasmatota (Table S2), suggesting the promising potential of Thermoplasmatota strains to synthesize terpenoids. In addition, the composition of the seven dominant classes of ...
In addition to marine lysogens, we further exploited the genomic differentiation of marine temperate viruses (Supplementary Data12). The water depth-dependent evolution and differentiation of viral populations has previously been observed in the Mediterranean Sea, North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and hadal ...
The global marine gravity anomalies are primarily recovered from geoid gradients in the along-track directions obtained through satellite altimetry. However, the accuracy of the gravity model is significantly constrained by the sparse geoid gradients in
The average of the [CH4] was 4.17 ± 2.5 nM, and the values below the average were recorded within deeper layers (av. depth = 190 m). The supersaturation of methane in seawater, relative to atmospheric concentrations (average 3.42 ± 0.05 nM) in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), ...
For those instances, the Significant Sea Height chart would be the appropriate one to use to view what's going on in a fetch. As one would expect, near the core of a fetch swell defaults to a value of near 0 (since there is no swell, only wind driven seas) . Hence you see ...
(b) Nucleotide distribution chart per read position: at left, before adapters and low quality reads trimming; at right, after the trimming process. On the left plot, a non-random distribution in the first 12 bases is typical of metatranscriptomic libraires generated with SMART-dT protocol, ...
1E). In-depth analysis revealed that the phenomenon was mainly due to the large number of terpene BGCs in phylum Thermoplasmatota (Table S2), suggesting the promising potential of Thermoplasmatota strains to synthesize terpenoids. In addition, the composition of the seven dominant classes of ...
Unique numbers for each node correspond to the denovo OTU identification number (based on 99% sequence clusters). Lines connecting nodes represent positive correlations between the respective nodes, with only correlations between Comchoano and eukaryotes shown. The thickness of the line indicates the...