Your policy, once agreed by TT Club, is comprised of the Policy Wording, the Policy Schedule (outlining the terms, rates, and conditions), any applicable Institute Cargo Clauses stated within, and the Certificate(s) of Marine Cargo Insurance issued in accordance with the Policy Wording. Our s...
Marine insurance covers loss or damage to cargo, ships, terminals, etc. and is a crucial element of import/export proceedings. Any party involved in the transportation of goods can buy a marine insurance policy, such as an exporter, importer or forwarding agent. ...
A valued marine policy is a type of marineinsurance coveragethat places a specific value on the insured property, such as the hull or cargo of a shipping vessel, prior to aclaimbeing made. In the event of a loss, a valued marine policy will pay a specified, pre-determined amount—provide...
2. Wherever there is a conflict between the printed Institute Clauses and the Policy wording and conditions therein, than the Policy wording will supersede the printed clauses. FULL VALUE 14. If the total value at risk exceeds the applicable limit of liability REPORTING provided by this Policy,...
designing and delivering an insurance programme which suits an Insured’s requirements in a timely manner. The use of online trading platforms continues to shape the future, but a combination of online trading and personal “face to face” conversations, with the Tysers Cargo team recently growing...
Amysteriousinsurancecoveragesimplified MarineDelayinStart-Up(DSU) Insurance UnderwritingMarineDSUrisks UnderwritingMarineDSUrequiresanexceptionally diverserangeofskills. Underwritersmusthaveastrongcargobackground, aswellasin-depthknowledgeofmarinelosscontrol andriskmanagement(particularlyrelatedtoheavy lifts),contingency...
In DPU, the seller is responsible for delivering and unloading the cargo at the place that is specified in the agreement between him and the buyer. CIF, CFR, CIP Whether Delivered Duty Paid or Delivered Duty Unpaid, the insurance may or may not be part of the cost. The cost of goods ...
SpecialNotice:ThisEnglishversionisforyourkindreferenceonly.PleaserefertoourChineseversion,whichisfiledinCIRC,asa standardpolicywording.注意:本英文版本仅供参考。标准条款以本公司在中国保监会备案的中文版本为准。海洋运输散装桐油保险条款OceanMarineInsuranceClauses(WoodoilBulk)1 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款 OceanMarine...