美国海军陆战队新兵训练(通常称为“新兵训练营” "boot camp")是一个为期 13 周的新兵训练计划,包括进出训练(in & out-processing),每位新兵(recruit)必须成功完成才能在美国海军陆战队服役。 大多数进入海军陆战队的士兵,无论最终的现役还是预备役身份,都将在两个海军陆战队新兵训练基地(MCRD) 之一接受新兵训练:...
Only the best can become a Marine recruit. Learn more about how the Marine Corps recruit training will test your moral, mental and physical strength.
The recruit training matrix shows what your recruit is doing each day of boot camp. Here's a break down of each week at MCRD San Diego and Parris Island.
Marine Corps Boot Camp Timeline at a Glance Marine Corps Special Pay Learn about Marine Corps Special Pay. In addition to a Marine's basic pay they may receive special pay and incentives pay. Marine Corps Special Pay can vary depending on occupation, specific assignments, and geographic locatio...
Marine Corps Boot Camp Timeline at a Glance Marine Corps Special Pay Learn about Marine Corps Special Pay. In addition to a Marine's basic pay they may receive special pay and incentives pay. Marine Corps Special Pay can vary depending on occupation, specific assignments, and geographic location...
(MORE: At boot camp, Marine Corps working to integrate training in the #MeToo era) While the change is not permanent, a Marine Corps spokesman told ABC News that the service "will certainly look at how the company performs in this model as we continually evaluate how we make Marines."...
“Miguel is absolutely awesome. He changes up the workouts & muscles everyday, pushes you onto a meal plan, does body progress measurements, & has quite the humor… I love this boot camp & highly recommend it.” Danny K. CEO & Founder,Danny's Tutoring ...
Do you have a poolee shipping to boot camp soon? Or maybe you have a recruit who will graduate from recruit training in a month or so. This page will help you find what you're looking for. We keep this page up-to-date as the Marine Corps announces changes to their recruit training...
The movie involvesJan-Michael Vincentas a trainee in Marine boot camp in 1943. He’s a member of the idiot squad, the guys who can’t seem to make it. He flunks out of training and is sent home wearing a baby-blue suit that dramatizes his disgrace. But in Los Angeles his luck cha...
The mission of our Travel Assistance program is to support Marine Corps recruits by assisting one of his/her family members who shows significant financial need, to attend boot camp graduation events so the Marine is not alone.