美国海军陆战队新兵训练(通常称为“新兵训练营” "boot camp")是一个为期 13 周的新兵训练计划,包括进出训练(in & out-processing),每位新兵(recruit)必须成功完成才能在美国海军陆战队服役。 大多数进入海军陆战队的士兵,无论最终的现役还是预备役身份,都将在两个海军陆战队新兵训练基地(MCRD) 之一接受新兵训练:...
School of Infantry: Camp Pendleton Click for more information. Basic info about SOI West + Grad Date Schedule 2/14/2025 Information in Graduation Dates link updated 3/15/2023. Camp Pendleton, California, is one of two School of Infantry (SOI) locations where newly-minted Marines will be ...
Officer Candidates have MOS options specific to officers. Officer Candidate School (OCS) and The Basic School (TBS) are also specific to officers as compared to enlisted who attend Recruit Training, also known as boot camp. To view a PDF version of the Marine Officers MOS Handbook on the Mar...
Supply Manager (离职员工) - Camp Pendleton, CA - 2018年4月23日 I'm not exactly sure what to write here so here I go. Boot Camp is physically challenging. If you want to make a difference in your community and college isn't working out for you just yet, the military could possi...
School of Infantry: Camp Pendleton Basic info about SOI West + Grad Date Schedule Click for more information. Published on 2/14/2025 Information in Graduation Dates link updated 3/15/2023. Camp Pendleton, California, is one of two School of Infantry (SOI) locations where newly-minted ...
School of Infantry: Camp Pendleton Basic info about SOI West + Grad Date Schedule Click for more information. Published on 2/14/2025 Information in Graduation Dates link updated 3/15/2023. Camp Pendleton, California, is one of two School of Infantry (SOI) locations where newly-minted ...
Clerk USMC(离职员工)-Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-2023年2月11日 What is the best part of working at the company? Best job ever. Great atmosphere, the work was manageable. What is the most stressful part about working at the company?
美国海军陆战队新兵训练(通常称为“新兵训练营” "boot camp")是一个为期 13 周的新兵训练计划,包括进出训练(in & out-processing),每位新兵(recruit)必须成功完成才能在美国海军陆战队服役。 大多数进入海军陆战队的士兵,无论最终的现役还是预备役身份,都将在两个海军陆战队新兵训练基地(MCRD) 之一接受新兵训练...
美国海军陆战队新兵训练(通常称为“新兵训练营” "boot camp")是一个为期 13 周的新兵训练计划,包括进出训练(in & out-processing),每位新兵(recruit)必须成功完成才能在美国海军陆战队服役。 大多数进入海军陆战队的士兵,无论最终的现役还是预备役身份,都将在两个海军陆战队新兵训练基地(MCRD) 之一接受新兵训练...
美国海军陆战队新兵训练(通常称为“新兵训练营” "boot camp")是一个为期 13 周的新兵训练计划,包括进出训练(in & out-processing),每位新兵(recruit)必须成功完成才能在美国海军陆战队服役。 大多数进入海军陆战队的士兵,无论最终的现役还是预备役身份,都将在两个海军陆战队新兵训练基地(MCRD) 之一接受新兵训练...