NOTE:Attachthe[MIC/SP]capwhentheoptional r speaker-microphoneisnotused. eANTENNA Fixedtype. !1rTRANSMIT/RECEIVEINDICATOR Lightsgreenwhilereceivingasignalorwhenthesquelch isopen;lightsredwhiletransmitting(lightsorangewhile !0 VOXfunctionisused). tCALLCHANNELKEY[CALL] ➥Selectsthecallchannelwhenpushed.(p...
Researchers inspecting a 25-year-old jetty in Indonesia employed both UPV and core drilling to evaluate damage and compressive strength in key members (slab, beam, pile cap). The average ultrasonic velocity was 1772 m/s, offering valuable durability insights [91]. Another study in a 20-year...
Researchers inspecting a 25-year-old jetty in Indonesia employed both UPV and core drilling to evaluate damage and compressive strength in key members (slab, beam, pile cap). The average ultrasonic velocity was 1772 m/s, offering valuable durability insights [91]. Another study in a 20-year...
Researchers inspecting a 25-year-old jetty in Indonesia employed both UPV and core drilling to evaluate damage and compressive strength in key members (slab, beam, pile cap). The average ultrasonic velocity was 1772 m/s, offering valuable durability insights [91]. Another study in a 20-year...