@MrsPramm - I agree they should be encouraged, but I do think that it's necessary for them to be somewhat realistic. Not all marine biologists are going to be studying and swimming with dolphins or whales and most marine biology research jobs are going to be food or resource related. Th...
Sustainable solutions Our expertise Explore insights Related services Contact us Share this page Working in and near the oceans requires understanding complex ecosystems in nearshore and open ocean waters. Our scientists are experts in marine biology, habitat and community ecology, and oceanography who...
All you need to have is a specific science-related degree. The subject areas should be extensively about animals and their behaviour and biology. This will help you understand the animals in a better way. The courses of these studies will have you do some lab work with field exploration as ...
echo Marine Science Career Careers in the United States (EnvironmentalChemistry.com)- The the latest job postings for marine science careers in the United States. 29 years on the web Started 10-22-1995 Please Share and/or Link To This Page ...
Most marine biologists start with a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology, Marine Science, or a related field such as Biology, Ecology, or Oceanography. These programs cover various aspects of marine ecosystems, including marine biology, oceanography, chemistry, physics, and ecology. ...
Marine biology is a branch of science that falls under the broader category of wildlife biology, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those who study or major in it usually become marine biologists, studying the genetics, diseases, behavior
Marine Biology Major Summary 专业简介 海洋生物学探究海洋生命的多样性,海洋生态系统的运行,以及海洋的化学、物理特性。作为一名海洋生物学专业的学生,你将学习在海洋环境下控制生命的过程。 Marine Biology involves the study of life processes of organisms inhabiting saltwater environments – from genetics and evol...
A Mosaic of Careers: From Marine Biology to Mars University of PA, Graduate Career SeminarRace M S
Careers in Marine Biology This excellent listing, hosted byStanford University's Hopkins Marine Station,features information about a wide range of careers in the marine sciences. It also features listings for internships and links to pages with job listings. Check it out!
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