Marine Biology is an international journal publishing original contributions from all fields of marine biology. Highlights research promoting understanding ...
and interactions within marine pelagic food webs: current trends and future perspectives Topical Collection: Advances in Cephalopod Research See details under Journal Updates / Call for Papers Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant contributions from all fields of marine biology. Sp...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: Marine Biology《海洋生物学》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称MAR BIOL 参考译名《海洋生物学》 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊...
The Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography publishes original research results that are of utmost importance. Additionally, studies pertaining to broad conceptual or technical advancements in the field are also showcased by the journal.
Please note, we are currently updating the 2018 Journal Metrics . CALL FOR PAPERS: Marine Biology Special Issue: The Impact of Marine Plastic Debris on Life in the Sea See details under ADDITIONAL INFORMATION in the right menu Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant ...
Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Marine Biology Article Population genomics of an Octopus species identify oceanographic barriers and inbreeding patternsOriginal paper Open access Published: 14 October 2023 Volume 170, article number 161, (2023) Cite this article ...
The Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography publishes original research results that are of utmost importance. Additionally, studies pertaining to broad conceptual or technical advancements in the field are also showcased by the journal.
Overview Russian Journal of Marine Biology is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on the studies of diverse aspects of living organisms in the ocean and other saltwater environments. Welcomes original research articles on biodiversity of marine life, oceanography, ecology of marine ecosystems, behavioral ec...
Submit your work to Marine Science and Biology Journal and be part of a movement dedicated to unraveling the wonders of our marine world. Together, let's dive into discovery and ensure a vibrant and thriving future for our oceans and all who call them home. Aims and Scope Aims of Marine...
How to publish in this journal Scope Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant contributions from all fields of marine biology. Special emphasis is given to articles which promote the understanding of life in the sea, organism-environment interactions, interactions between organisms,...