Additionally, each additional timepoint at which cigarette or tobacco use was reported predicted 19-22% greater marijuana frequency. Data suggest that young adults who use marijuana more frequently are likely at risk for greater tobacco exposure, and vice versa. These findings suggest a need for ...
Marijuana and hallucinogen use in the past year reported by young adults 19 to 30 years old increased significantly in 2021 compared to five and 10 years ago, reaching historic highs in this age group since 1988, according to the Monitoring the Future (MTF) panel study. Rates of past-month ...
young adultsadolescentObjective: Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs increases the risk of motor vehicle fatalities, the leading cause of death among young adults. The current study documented the prevalence of driving after alcohol and marijuana use in the past 2 weeks as well as the ...
Marijuana use rose among all groups studied, but researchers noted particular increases among women, individuals who are black or Hispanic, those living in the South, and people middle-aged or older. The research, by scientists from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, also sho...
Daily, or near daily,marijuanause among non-college young adults has continued to rise, reaching its highest level (13.2 percent). As a result, daily, or near daily, marijuana use is now nearly three times as high among non-college young adults as among college students. ...
Marijuana UseTobaccoAlcohol UseCollege StudentsObjective: Marijuana is a prevalent substance used among young adults and has serious psychosocial and health-related consequences. Thus, identifying factors associated with marijuana use is critical. The current study aimed to examine personality factors and ...
(3.6) y 1134 Ever or past 30 d Past 30-d marijuana use Unger et al, 2016 California, United States Retrospective, longitudinal 2014-2015 Secondary data analysis of longitudinal survey of Hispanic young adults Mean (SD), 22.7 (0.4) y 1332 Past 30 d Past 30-d marijuana use White et al...
Its use is particularly prevalent among young adults, aged 18 to 25. This study examines the role strain plays in chronic (as opposed to recreational) marijuana use. Three theoretical perspectives are included in this analysis: General Strain Theory, Social Learning, and Self Control. Data from ...
The present investigation examined marijuana use, abuse, and dependence in relation to self-reported marijuana use behaviors and motives, as well as concurrent cigarette and problematic alcohol use among a sample of young adult current marijuana users (n = 200; 44.5% women; M<SUB> age </SUB>...
Sex with multiple partners (SMP) is one of the important contributing factors for contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents and young adults, especially among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) youth. Past studies mainly focus on examining associations of alcohol or club dru...