Other common or street names: weed, pot, herb, bud, dope, spliff, reefer, grass, ganja, 420, chronic, Mary Jane, gangster, boom, skunk. There are over 200 street names for marijuana.What is marijuana?Marijuana (cannabis) is a green, brown or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, ...
Marijuana has many ‘street’ names. Some of the most popular are pot, weed, grass, Mary Jane, and dope. There are many other names out there for marijuana. Many people know it as the street names and marijuana. There are a lot more names that people are giving it today. When people...
Which of the following can be smoked, snorted, injected, or eaten; is known by the street names of "bergs" and "glass;" is made cheaply in backyard labs; and has fueled a violent criminal subculture? a. GHB b. marijuana c. me...
There are a wide variety of slang or street names for marijuana which include:Wacky backy Weed Pot Dope Draw Blow Puff Hash Grass GanjaThere are many others but these are the most commonly used names.What does marijuana look like? The marijuana plant grows in many parts of the world such ...
Marijuana — also called weed, grass, or pot, among other names — is amind-altering substance that comes from the cannabis plant. It's one of the most used drugs in the U.S., especially among people aged 18-25. Even so, more research needs to be done to better understand weed's ...
Marijuana — also called weed, grass, or pot, among other names — is amind-altering substance that comes from the cannabis plant. It's one of the most used drugs in the U.S., especially among people aged 18-25. Even so, more research needs to be done to better understand weed's ...
Question: The most widely used illegal drug in the United States is: a. methamphetamine b. opium c. cocaine d. marijuana Drug Prevention Programs: Drug prevention programs are developed and delivered to groups of the population at risk of partaking in ...
textbooks and drug-prevention literature. Its shape is made into jewelry, plastered on bumper stickers and clothing, and spray-painted on walls. The leaves are arrangedpalmately, radiating from a common center, like the fingers of a hand spreading apart. Although most people know what the cannab...
Marijuana is the most widely used and criminalized drug in the United States. This highly sought after resource yields a black market price tag that creates a street economy all its' own. This is Marijuana by itself, it and all the other illegal drugs together combine to form the third ...
Myers shrugged, as if it was the most common sense thing he’d ever heard. I had to agree. The Bulls delivered a knockout punch to humanity within minutes and we were still lying on the canvas in the dark, struggling to rise to our knees. ...