6th Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opens in MassLazar, Kay
The law requires at least one but no more than five dispensaries in each county in the state. The Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance, which led the effort to legalize marijuana for medical purposes, said patients hoping to use the drug are excited that dispensaries are closer to opening...
“The gist was to get me to either relinquish the DEA license, if I insisted on continuing with the dispensary, or give the license up ‘temporarily’ while involved with the dispensary,”he said. The doctor said he had no choice but to give up his position at the dispensary in order t...
Connecticut legalized recreational cannabis on June 22, 2021, when Gov. Ned Lamont signedSB1201. When the measure took effect on July 1, individuals aged 21 or older were then able topossess up to 1.5 ouncesof recreational cannabis, in addition to another five ounces in a home or vehicle...
a marijuana dispensary from opening in town as long as the dispensary has complied with all DPH regulations. The town, however, can utilize its zoning powers to regulate where in town such a dispensary can be located, so long as the town does not enact illegal “spot zoning” in so doing...
Cannabis regulators in Massachusetts have issued an administrative order that will allow pot to be transported to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket islands for the first time Nick Perry The Fine Fettle cannabis dispensary on June 4, 2024, in West Tisbury, Mass...
For cannabis for spasticity treatment success, it’s essential you find a good dispensary and doctor.Find a qualified cannabis doctorhere on MarijuanaDoctors.com to recommend your treatment. You can also connect withstaff at a marijuana dispensarywho can help point you in the right direction of ...
operated by medical marijuana dispensaries, require a fingerprint scan and the insertion of an ID card provided by the dispensary. They are monitored by security guards and patients and offer convenient access to the medicine. Operators say they also cut down on expenses, savings that are passed ...
While Trump could face up to four years in prison, the more likely sentence in the case — should it move forward — would be probation, which could include some combination of a fine or community service, as the former and future president is a first-time offender. ...
The public health department, which oversaw the process, stressed that no final decisions have been made. "No one has a license — provisional or otherwise — to operate a dispensary in Massachusetts," department spokesman David Kibbe said. "We are in the middle of an intensive veri...