(TECHNOLOGY) You’re a living, breathing human, so you’ve heard of Marie Kondo by now, but did you know her method applies to more than your closet? By Meg Furey-Marquess Published June 9, 2022 By now, there’s no avoiding Marie Kondo and her magical art oftidying up. She’s full...
And now, for some tips on dealing with clutter that aren’t part of the Marie Kondo Method of Tidying Up: Set a Goal Date with Associated Reward.Without deadlines, many of us can’t get things finished. So, set a goal date of clearing one area or type of clutter – say like your ...
Even after you’ve begun to discover what sparks joy for you, the category of sentimental items can feel unexpectedly challenging — for good reason! Letting go of a grandmother’s heirloom or photos you’ve collected over the years, requires more courage than tidying a kitchen or closet. Eve...
you hone your decision making skills as you go; by the end, choosing what to keep seems simple. There’s another reason clothes come first: Completing that category provides tangible proof of your efforts. Being greeted by your favorite clothes in a tidied closet each morning is motivation...
口B 口 The Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, which offers tips for reorganizing personal space and getting rid of untidiness, has inspired many to shrink their overstuffed closets. Charity shops have seen an increase in donations of used clothing, a phenomenon that's been credited to...
Today for Marie Kondo Monday we are taking on our small master bedroom closet. I thought I would give my small master closet a mini makeover and simplify my clothes. I really don’t have a lot, but had items that were not bringing joy, as Marie Kondo would say. I decided to do it...
Applying Marie Kondo’s Methods at Work For those who don’t know anything about Marie Kondo, here’s how her process goes. She divides all possessions into five categories: clothes, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and sentimental items. Then, she suggests putting everything from...
For those items that you end up keeping, Marie Kondo advocates storing things in a manner where it’s easy to find them, with frequently used things staying in close reach. They should also be stored in a way that makes it easier to take them out. Her method advises using boxes, trays...
Kondo is inspiring us to do some MAJOR spring cleaning. Find out which clothing items no longer spark joy, and what will take their place
Editor’s Note:InSanctuaries, a new CNN Style series, top experts share interior design tips for creating calming and inspirational home spaces. — If you ever wanted to get your life together – or give the appearance of doing so – look no further thanMarie Kondo. Through her best-selling...