Son œuvre la plus connue est le recueil de Lais, douze brefs récits d’amour et d’aventure en vers octosyllabes que Marie dit avoir composés en s’inspirant de « lais » musicaux chantés par les Bretons. Le plus connu de ses lai...
(《玛丽•德•弗朗斯中的地理与历史(Géographie et histoire dans les Lais de Marie de France)》) 【3】古时的莱昂郡位于布列塔尼的菲尼斯泰尔。正如H.Zimmer(在Zeitschrift für französischen Sprach und Literatur中)指出的,在11世纪和12世纪的莱昂子爵领内,Guigemar(或写作Guiemar、Guiomar、Wihomarch)...
vol. ii., 1867), is another version ofLanval,and differs from Chestre's. For the relations betweenLanvaland theLai de Graelent,wrongly ascribed to Marie by Roquefort,seeW. H. Schofield, "The Lays of Graelent and Lanval, and the story of Wayland," in thePublicationsof the Mod. Lang. ...
Marie's use of the conventions of the fable and lai to address contemporary problems of cultural identity has been less rigorously addressed. Nonetheless, I argue that Marie de France was acutely aware of the temptation to misrepresent people and facts to suit the whim or interests of the ...
Women In The Lai Of Guigemar The women described in the Lais of Marie de France often commit traditionally sinful deeds, such as adultery, murder, and betrayal. However, with a few exceptions, the protagonists often end up living happily with their beloved for the rest of their lives. The...
Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Bisclavret(2011) (Short)-Writer (d'après 'Le lai du Bisclavret' de)...
LaiHui Coffee, Jiaoyu Road / Anson Design Twisted House / Architects 49 House Design Limited Hawk Nest House / FabrikG Palmeiras Room / Estudio Sala 10 Stadiums Shedding Light on the Future of Sports Architecture On The Water House / Nikken Sekkei DOM House / CRUX arquitectos How ...
An evaluation of the narrative function of the marvelous encounter is the final part of this study, an assessment of how the marvelous is used to both advance the plot of each lai and play with audience expectations. The source, language, and function of the marvelous contribute to an ...
doi:10.1080/07374836.2002.10523809PeggyMaddoxInformaworldTranslation Review
201–204: “pur ceo que tant vus ai amez, / voil que mis doels seit remembrez; / de vus quatre ferai un lai / e Quatre Dols le numerai” e Chievrefoil, vv. 107–113: “pur la joie qu’il ot eüe / de s’amie qu’il ot veüe / e pur ceo k’il aveit escrit / ...