During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known as ‘Little Curies', used for the treatment of woundedsoldiers. In 1918 the Radium Institute, whose staf...
Know about the topic: The Life and Work of Marie Curie with reading answers. Upgrade your reading skills before taking IELTS Exam.
TheAmazingWorkofMarieCurie Reading ThisPhotobyUnknownAuthorislicensedunderCCBY-SA ThisPhotobyUnknownAuthorislicensedunderCCBY-SA Whoisyourrolemodel?Why?WhatNobelPrizewouldyouliketowin?Why?Vocabulary Matchthevocabularywiththecorrectmeaning:1influential• 2 pavetheway • 3physics • 4graduate • 5...
During World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irene, devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known as 'little Curies', used for the treatment of wounded soldiers. ln 1918 the Radium Institute, whose staf...
Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet Marie Curie’s research on radioactivity • When uranium was discovered to be radioactive, Marie Curie found that the element called.. had the same property. • Marie and Pierre Curie's research into the radioactivity of the mineral ...
所属专辑:AI英书 居里夫人Who Was Marie Curie 声音简介 知音博雅英语请用大屏电脑读大字,听读结合 速增听读合力。 听读 居里夫人传 Who Was Marie CurieChapter 1 - 4 Who Was Marie Curie? By: Megan Stine Narrated by: Sarah Scott One day in November 1903, Marie Curie and her husband got a ...
【题目】You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years? Jane Addams (1860-1935) Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has ...
Who Was Marie Curie? By:Megan Stine Narrated by:Sarah Scott Length: 1 hr and 5 mins Release date: 03-01-16 Maria Sklodowska was born on November 7, 1867. She was the youngest of five children, with three older sisters and one brother.Her parents were both teachers. Her mother was the...
Marie Curie ~ first woman to win the Nobel Prize Dorothy Dandridge ~ redefined blacks in Hollywood Aphra Behn ~ wrote prose model for the English novel Madame C.J. Walker ~ first female self-made millionaire Empress Wu Zetian ~ first and only female Emperor of China Harriet Beecher Stowe ~...
Write your answers in boxes7-13on your answer sheet. Marie Curie’s research on radioactivity • When uranium was discovered to be radioactive, Marie Curie found that the element called7had the same property. • Marie and Pierre Curie’s research into the radioactivity of the mineral known...