Marie Antoinette: Created by Deborah Davis. With Emilia Schüle, Louis Cunningham, Jack Archer, Jasmine Blackborow. Follows the famed queen Marie Antoinette, who was the last queen of France before the French Revolution.
BBC纪录片《玛丽·安托瓦内特怀表传奇The Incredible Story of Marie Antoinette’s Watch with Nicholas Parsons 2016》 宝玑玛丽·安托瓦内特怀表是一个真正的传奇。1783年,一名玛丽·安托瓦内特的仰慕者向宝玑先生订购了一枚举世无双的时计作为礼物赠予皇后。根据要求,该怀表各部件应尽量以黄金来替代其他金属,怀表的功能...
The latest retelling is Marie Antoinette, a new television series produced by the BBC and Canal+. The historical drama made its stateside debut on March 19 on PBS, but its first season already aired in the United Kingdom last year. The show has been renewed for a second season. The serie...
直至1827年,即皇后逝后34年,这件作品才得以完工,制作时间长达44年,此时距宝玑先生离世也已4年之久,可谓史上制作时间最长久的时计作品。这款命名为“Marie-Antoinette”的宝玑No.160怀表从此成为了制表业的神话,它的复杂极致、精美绝伦及其传奇故事200多年来一直萦绕在无数制表师与收藏家的心中。 【豆瓣链接】http...
Antoinette Morelli Anton Hjejle Antony Knight Antony Meadley Antwerp ANU Anubys Lopez Anubys Lopez's AGED stars Morgan Boss-Maltais Anya Pavlikova Anya Taylor-Joy Aozaru Shiao Aphrodite Nikolovski APOCALYPSE CLOWN Apocolyptic APPETITE FOR SIN Appolon Bollas APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR...
Define Marie de Medicis. Marie de Medicis synonyms, Marie de Medicis pronunciation, Marie de Medicis translation, English dictionary definition of Marie de Medicis. 1573-1642. Italian-born queen of France who was the wife of Henry IV and regent for her s