Building 200 will house Pinal County Justice Court, services from the Clerk of the Superior Court, and Adult and Juvenile Probation in the northern part of the facility, while the south part will include holding cells and a Pinal County Sheriff’s Office substation. According to McClure, the $...
但在全球疫情的叠加影响下,处理基本的呼叫中心请求变得更加艰巨。马里科帕县高等法院的书记员眼下便在经历此情况。 书记员办公室的总部位于亚利桑那州菲尼克斯,负责为县司法系统、法律界和公众提供记录管理和财务服务。马里科帕县是一个由 27 个城镇以及近 460 万人组成的社区,而该县的公民会提交时间紧迫的请求、结婚...