mariadb-dump dumps triggers along with tables, as these are part of the table definition. However,stored procedures,views, andeventsare not, and need extra parameters to be recreated explicitly (for example,--routinesand--events).Proceduresandfunctionsare however also part of the system tables ...
For example, since mysqldump normally reads the [client] and [mysqldump] groups, --defaults-group-suffix=x would cause it to also read the groups [mysqldump_x] and [client_x]. --delayed-insert Insert rows with INSERT DELAYED instead of INSERT. --delete-master-logs On a primary ...
When exporting/copying a MySQL/MariaDB database in Plesk atDomains>>Databases, the operation fails with one of the following errors: Unable to export a dump of database_name: mysqldump: johndoe has insufficient privileges to SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE dat...
mariadb-dump dumps triggers along with tables, as these are part of the table definition. However,stored procedures,views, andeventsare not, and need extra parameters to be recreated explicitly (for example,--routinesand--events).Proceduresandfunctionsare however also part of the system tables ...
On theStart a Programtab, specify arguments in theAdd arguments field. For example: /backup /connection:"User Id=root;Host=db;Port=3309;Database=sakila;Character Set=utf8;" /projectfile:"C:\Users\Documents\dbForge Studio for MySQL\Export\sakila.backup" ...
There are some very knowledgable people here and I would like to know if you see "mariabackup" as a better choice for my case? I do not have any sFTP for example where I can upload it. In my case, I just want to get the backups to my home computer. Since I do not have it ...
that it contains. Notice that the redirect forSTDOUTis not used here, but the redirect for the standard input (STDIN); the less-than sign is used since the dump file is an input source. Also, notice that in this example a database isn't specified. That's given within the dump file....
but the redirect for the standard input (STDIN); the less-than sign is used since the dump file is an input source. Also, notice that in this example a database isn't specified. That's given within the dump file. You may want to stop MariaDB before doing a restore, and then start...
1 year ago Type article Status active License CC BY-SA / Gnu FDL History Comments Contents Syntax Description Example See Also Syntax SELECT ... INTO DUMPFILE 'file_path' Description SELECT ... INTO DUMPFILEis aSELECTclause which writes the resultset into a single unformatted row, without ...