107142000ER_TOO_LONG_KEYSpecified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes Contents Possible Causes and Solutions Possible Causes and Solutions This article doesn't currently contain any content.You can help! ← Error 1070: Too many key parts specified; max parts allowed ...
Knowledge Base»Training & Tutorials»Advanced MariaDB Articles»Development Articles»MariaDB Internals Documentation»Using MariaDB with Your Programs (API)»Error Codes»MariaDB Error Codes 4100 to 4199»Error 4159: Specified key part was too long; max key part length is ...
Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes 1. 解决办法: 我遇到的错误就是由字符集引起的,把导出的文件nodesql.sql, 中所有的字符串“utf8mb4” 替换为 “utf8" 解决了问题。 utf8mb4与utf8的区别 彻底解决mysql中文乱码 查看数据库的字符编码 show variables like "character_set_%"; ...
1.MariaDB[(none)]>usemysql;2.MariaDB[mysql]>UPDATEuserSETpassword=password('newpassword')WHEREuser='root';3.MariaDB[mysql]>flush privileges;4.MariaDB[mysql]>exit 数据库的配置信息文件是etc/my.cnf 1.png 2.png 错误记录: 出现错误: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes...
hive的Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes问题解决 解决一: FAILED: Error in metadata: javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: Error(s) were found while auto-creatingalidating the datastore for classes. The errors are printed in the log, and are attached to this exception. Nested...
由于确定使用mysql,那只有卸载mariadb了。 一、首先查看当前安装的mariadb包 rpm -qa|grep mariadb 本人得到结果是:mariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7.centos.x86_64 二、卸载mariadb rpm -e mariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7.centos.x86_64得到错误提示如下: ...
以前MySQL 的“RENAME DATABASE” 指令, 已經在 5.1.23 後的版本刪除, 原因是重新命名資料庫時存在資料遺失的風險。 以下示範用 “RENAME TABLE” 指令及 mysqldump 指令, 替資料庫重新命名的方法: RENAME TABLE 這個方法適合資料庫比較大的情況, 但缺點是需要對每個資料表逐一執行。
mariadb [wuhan]> create table wuhan.t2(id int not null,keyname varchar(20)); query ok, 0 rows affected (0.006 sec) 添加版本信息: mariadb [wuhan]> show create table wuhan.t2\g *** 1. row *** table: t2 create table: create table `t2` ( `id` int(11) not null...
(e.g.,Charadrius vociferus, instead ofKilldeer). You might think that thescientific_namecolumn would be the ideal identifier to use as the primary key on which to index thebirdstable, and that we wouldn’t need thebird_idcolumn. But the scientific name can be very long and usually in ...
MariaDB与MySQL共享错误代码,并添加许多特定于MariaDB的新错误代码。 错误代码的示例如下: SELECT * FROM x; 错误1046(3D000):未选择数据库 内容 共享的MariaDB / MySQL错误代码 MariaDB特定的错误代码 错误中返回了三项信息: 数字错误代码,在这种情况下为1046。从1900开始的错误代码特定于MariaDB,而从1000到1800...