DELIMITER//CREATEFUNCTIONinsert_sth(valint)RETURNSbigintBEGININSERTINTOincid(salary)VALUES(val);RETURNLAST_INSERT_ID();END//DELIMITER ;SELECTinsert_sth(233);SELECTinsert_sth(233);SELECTinsert_sth(233); 如果SELECT insert_sth(233);的输出是自增的说明数据库的配置完成了。 #include<iostream>#ifdefined...
DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION f(arg INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN RETURN (SELECT arg+arg); END| DELIMITER ; PREPARE stmt FROM "INSERT INTO t1 SET id1=1, animal1='Bear' RETURNING f(id1), UPPER(animal1)"; EXECUTE stmt; +---+---+ | f(id1) | UPPER(animal1) | +---+---+ | 2 | ...
4、增(insert)数据的批处理操作 1//插入指令的批处理操作2publicvoidExecuteSqlTranssaction(List<string>sqlStrList)3{4//创建执行命令的command对象5MySqlCommand command =newMySqlCommand();6command.Connection =conn;78//开启mysql事务9MySqlTransaction transaction =conn.BeginTransaction();10command.Transaction ...
def check_account_avaiable(self, accid): """判断帐号是否存在, 传递参数为帐号id""" select_sqli = 'select * from bankData where id=%s' % (accid) print("execute sql:", select_sqli) res = self.cursor.execute(select_sqli) # 判断是否能找到帐号为accid的记录; if res == 1: return True ...
DELIMITER|CREATEFUNCTIONf(argINT)RETURNSINTBEGINRETURN(SELECTarg+arg);END|DELIMITER;PREPAREstmtFROM"INSERT INTO t1 SET id1=1, animal1='Bear' RETURNING f(id1), UPPER(animal1)";EXECUTEstmt;+---+---+|f(id1)|UPPER(animal1)|+---+---+|2|BEAR|+---+---+ Subqueries in the RETURNING ...
return conn; 1. } 1. } 1. 5.测试类 package cn.tedu; 1. import java.sql.Connection; 1. import java.sql.ResultSet; 1. import java.sql.SQLException; 1. import java.sql.Statement; 1. /** 1. * 调用数据库连接工具类DBUtils进行数据连接 ...
I have a table withIDprimary key (autoincrement) and a unique columnName. Is there an efficient way in MariaDB to insert a row into this table if the sameNamedoesn't exist, otherwise select the existing row and, in both cases, return the ID of the row with ...
2021年7月10日,阿常开通了公众号 不只是测试,立下公众号日更 flag。至 2021年10月30日,历时 110...
JSON_ARRAYAGG(column_or_expression) JSON_ARRAYAGG 返回一个JSON数组,其中包含给定JSON或SQL值集合中每个值的元素, 这个函数需要 10.5.0+ 的版本才有 CREATETABLEt1(aINT,bINT);INSERTINTOt1VALUES(1,1),(2,1),(1,1),(2,1),(3,2),(2,2),(2,2),(2,2);SELECTJSON_ARRAYAGG(a),JSON_ARRAYAGG...
return 1 } _main() { # if command starts with an option, prepend mysqld if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then set -- mysqld "$@" fi #ENDOFSUBSTITUTIONS # skip setup if they aren't running mysqld or want an option that stops mysqld if [ "$1" = 'mariadbd' ] ...