Connect and Query Data Operations Security SQL Reference Migration Topics on this page: Overview CHANGE HISTORY Overview This is a command-line option for themariadb&mysqlcommands (arg: Required). Number of seconds before connection timeout. ...
在从节点db2虚拟机上使用mysql命令登录MariaDB数据库,配置从节点连接主节点的连接信息。master_host为主节点主机名db1,master_user为在步骤(4)中创建的用户user,命令如下: [root@db2 ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is ...
mariadb-connector-nodejs/lib/config/connection-options.js Line 115 in d0913b4 this.queryTimeout = opts.queryTimeout === undefined ? 0 : opts.queryTimeout; Since 2.3.1 Edit: As...
或者在不重启的情况下,执行命令 set global wait_timeout=120; show global variables like'wait_timeout';
public static final long connectionTimeOut = 1000 * 60 * 20;// 连接超时时间,默认20分钟 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ConnectionPool接口 public interface ConnectionPool { ...
因为数据库在默认情况下,sleep超时时间一般会默认为8小时,8小时后mysql会把这些sleep连接从连接池中剔除,如果在八小时内连接过多,就会提示Too many connection。此处将更改连接时长去除无用的连接 最大连接数:show variables like '%max_connections%';
databaseDefault database to use when establishing the connection.string connectTimeoutSets the connection timeoutDuration10s tcpKeepAliveSets socket keep aliveBooleanfalse tcpAbortiveCloseThis option can be used in environments where connections are created and closed in rapid succession. Often, it is ...
#2 /home/muffycat_takeout/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php(663): yii\db\Transaction->begin(NULL) #3 /home/muffycat_takeout/takeoutapi/models/DishesModel.php(108): yii\db\Connection->beginTransaction() #4 /home/muffycat_takeout/takeoutapi/service/meituan/DishService.php(76): take...
1. 都是timeout长时间无响应,而且不是前端资源加载的问题,F12可以看到一个接口的请求过程,例如下图 2. 查看代码逻辑 ,发现几个接口同时查询过一个表,登陆mariadb,发现SELECT长时间不返回。怀疑是锁表了。 以下所有示例使用docker启动mysql演示复现。
mysql>select*fromtest;mysql>2013-Lostconnection toMySQLserver during query 查看长时间卡住的线程 查询进程(如果您有SUPER权限,您可以看到所有线程。否则,您只能看到您自己的线程) show processlist; image.png 但是此命令只能显示前100条数据,要想看全部的数据,请输入 ...