使用kolla可以快速部署可扩展,可靠的生产就绪的openstack环境。 基本环境 操作系统:CentOS Linux release ...
Version: '10.6.13-MariaDB-1:10.6.13+maria~ubu2004-log' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 mariadb.org binary distribution 2023-12-13 14:49:21 4 [Note] Master 'mariadb-operator': Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'repl@mariadb-0.mariadb-internal.analytics.svc....
Warning Unhealthy 4m3s (x4 over 7m3s) kubelet Liveness probe failed: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Can't connect to local server through socket '/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)' Check that mariadbd is running and that the socket: '/opt/bitnami...
Which chart: bitnami/mariab Describe the bug mariadb 12:47:08.65 mariadb 12:47:08.65 Welcome to the Bitnami mariadb container mariadb 12:47:08.65 Subscribe to project updates by watching https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-mariadb ...
How to check MariaDB version? We can check MariaDB server version by logging into the MariaDB server. $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 5564Server version: 5.5.44-MariaDB MariaDB ServerCopyright...
healthcheckHttps: false customLivenessProbe: {} customReadinessProbe: {} livenessProbeHeaders: {} readinessProbeHeaders: {} service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 httpsPort: 443 httpsTargetPort: https metricsPort: 9117 nodePorts: http: ""
apiVersion: mariadb.mmontes.io/v1alpha1 kind: MariaDB metadata: name: test1-mariadb namespace: test1-mariadb spec: ephemeralStorage: false image: mariadb:11.2.3 maxScale: connection: port: 3306 secretName: test1-mariadb-connection enabled: true kubernetesService: type: ClusterIP replicas: 1...
helm3 --kube-context my-cluster install my-release bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow --namespace my-namespace --set server.service.type=NodePort --set server.image.tag=2.9.2-debian-10-r0 --set rabbitmq.enabled=false --set kafka.enabled=false --set skipper.enabled=false --set mariadb.enabled...
Which chart: chart name: bitnami/mariadb-galera version: 1.0.3 Describe the bug Unclean shutdown of mariadb-galera clusters leaves pod in CrashLoopBackOff state. This can be achieved by doing a docker restart. The pod that was shut down ...