Hostname:(您的数据库主机名或IP地址)Port:(3306)Username:(您的MySQL或MariaDB的用户名)Password:(您的MySQL或MariaDB的密码)ConnectionMethod:(StandardTCP/IP over SSH)SSHHostname:(如果需要SSH,请输入您的服务器SSH主机名或IP地址。否则,可以留空。)SSHUsername:(如果需要SSH,请输入您的服务器SSH用户名。否...
#service mariadb restart || service mysql restart For Windows: StartPlesk Services Monitor> selectMySQLXXorMariaDBXX(where XX is a version) > clickRestart. To verify connectivity, log in from the remote server usingMySQL Workbenchor via CLI by executing the following command: #mysql -u"example...
Note:Make sure thatMySQL/MariaDBport is not blocked by a firewall:How to open all ports on local server needed by Plesk automatically? By default, Plesk administrator does not have remote access. It is recommended to create a new user that will be used for the remote con...
ALLOWREMOTEACCESS 允许root用户远程访问 BUFFERPOOLSIZE RAM/8 Innodb的Bufferpool大小 CLEANUPDATA 1 移除数据目录(卸载) DATADIR INSTALLDIRdata 数据目录的位置 DEFAULTUSER 允许匿名用户 PASSWORD root用户的密码 SERVICENAME Windows服务的名称。如果这个值为空不创建服务。 SKIPNETWORKING 跳过网络 STDCONFIG 对应在图...
请在以下位置打开mariadb的配置文件:/etc/mysql/my.cnf文件系统中的所有文件 将绑定地址从www.example....
RemotePrivateEndpointConnection RerunTumblingWindowTrigger ResponsysLinkedService ResponsysObjectDataset ResponsysSource RestResourceDataset RestServiceAuthenticationType RestServiceLinkedService RestSink RestSource RetryPolicy RunFilterParameters RunQueryFilter RunQueryFilterOperand RunQueryFilterOperator RunQueryOrder RunQuer...
请在以下位置打开mariadb的配置文件:/etc/mysql/my.cnf文件系统中的所有文件 将绑定地址从www.example....
To undo this change and not allow remote access anymore, simply remove theskip-bind-addressline or uncomment thebind-addressline in your defaults file. The end result should be that you should have in the output from./sql/mariadbd --print-defaultsthe option--bind-address= no-...
Unable to Connect from a Remote Location If you are completely new to MariaDB and relational databases, you may want to start with theMariaDB Primer. Also, make sure you understand the connection parameters discussed in theConnecting to MariaDBarticle. ...
const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({ user: 'myUser', password: 'mYpwd', port: 27000, stream: (cb) => { const tunnel = require('tunnel-ssh'); tunnel( { // remote connection ssh info username: 'root', host: '', port: 22, privateKey: fs.readFileSync(...