The IP address at which the database is waiting for a connection is specified in the bind-address parameter in my.cnf.. To allow local and external connections, you have to comment this line and add the iptables rule that allows connections from the master/slave IP address to port 3306. ...
= /etc/mysql/encryption/keyfile.enc loose_file_key_management_filekey = FILE:/etc/mysql/encryption/keyfile.key loose_file_key_management_encryption_algorithm = AES_CTR # set max_allowed_packet to maximum value maximum_max_allowed_packet # disable external locking for MyISAM skip_external_...
Options: DISABLED (0) / PREFERRED (1) (Default) / REQUIRED (2) / VERIFY_CA (3) / VERIFY_IDENTITY (4), REQUIRED (2) is recommended to only allow connections encrypted with SSL/TLS. Parameters: sslMode - the sslMode value to set. Returns: the MariaDBLinkedService object itself. ...
根据簇的大小设置合适的max_connections值 允许每个数据库最大连接数为100个,然后添加50个额外的连接 5. If AppArmor is running on the host where MariaDB is installed, you might need to configure AppArmor to allow MariaDB to write to the binary. 6. Ensure the MariaDB server starts at boot. 如...
When a server is in maintenace mode, no connections will be created to it and existing connections will be closed. Slave of External Master The server is a slave of a master that is not being monitored. For more information on how to manually set these states via MaxCtrl, read the ...
一、Linux单机部署 1. 添加MariaDB的yum文件MariaDB.repo; 2. 添加MariaDB.repo仓库配置; [mariadb] name=MariaDB baseurl= gpgkey= ...
Import data from an external MySQL DB instance into an Amazon RDS DB instance by first dumping it using the mysqldump command line utility. You then import it using the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command and use replication to bring the instances into sync.
[root@lb.davidwei-cluster1 ~]# oc get svcNAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEmy-mysql-rhel7 ClusterIP 3306/TCP 20m[root@lb.davidwei-cluster1 ~]# oc rsh my-mysql-rhel7-1-zcwpcsh-4.2$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u user -ppassmysql: [Warning] Using ...
skip-external-locking #skip-grant-tables #**#开启性能监控 performance_schema=ON #**#暂存的连接数量 back_log=128 max_connections=1256 interactive_timeout = 120 wait_timeout = 120 # Connection and Thread variables port = 3306 # default 3306 ...
之前为了在本地调试方便,配置了这几个客户端在 xampp 下面的环境。现记录下 程序 可以去官网下载,也...